How to Write Business Blog: Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

There are two aspects of starting a blog : 

  1. Your blog in the niche of your business 
  2. Start a blogging business  

Since we are focused more on starting a blog for your business and not another way around, we will be assuming you already have your business, and so the niche. 

In this guide, we will be entirely focusing on how you can write a blog or, most likely, your first blog for your business. 

It can be really challenging, especially if you haven’t much experience with content writing or writing in general. 

However, writing blogs is a skill at the end of the day, and if you know your business niche all in, it can be developed to a much larger level than you can think. 

You can always hire a professional blogger to write your blog post, but for many reasons, you might have decided to give it a go by yourself. 

  • Do not want unnecessary pressure on your financial budget for the business. 
  • Not sure about blogging yet 
  • You are very interested in starting a blog 
  • As a business owner and having expertise in this niche want to share or help 
  • You are not sure to delegate it yet 

And many other reasons. 

Don’t feel bad about it, as many small business owners do consider blogging a route for marketing their product and reaching a wider audience but often can’t. 

Image Source: B2C

It is a tough decision to make because you will have one more thing to worry about apart from everything you do for your business. 

But blogging is an extremely good investment, and you need to take this route for sure. 

However, if there is too much to hire, for now, it’s fine to write yourself or if you already have some basic writing skills and want to learn more. 

Here’s a detailed guide that can help you write your first blog and furthermore. 

Step-By-Step Guide To Write Your First Blog

how to write first blog

Step #1: Jotting Down Ideas For Your Collection 

The very first stage of writing your first blog post roots from the very inception of the idea. 

Now, coming up with ideas that you can turn into a blog post is a crucial step, but it doesn’t happen often. 

Or most of the time, you don’t know whether or which idea is worth putting in a blog post. 

That’s why you need to create an idea bank for your blog, where you will generally brainstorm and jot down ideas without any constraints. 

You can create different headings or categories to put your ideas into.

For example, idea categories or titles can be like this: 

  • Ideas that can feature products or service 
  • Ideas inspired by popular and trending content 
  • Ideas that I want to write about 
  • Ideas that people asking for (directly)
  • Ideas that are being asked on multiple platforms like forums 
  • Random ideas 

And so on. 

There are no rules. You can make these categories according to yourself to make your idea bank easy to navigate. 

You can use MS Excel, Sheets, or other applications such as Trello to maintain these categories. 

Pro Tip:  Don’t complicate the process. Make sure you write very freely without any pressure in your idea bank under these categories. 

Step #2:  Finding The Right Content 

Creating Content Through Your Products 

One of the best ways to find the right content for your blog is going reverse. 

Well, you’re writing blogs to provide value to your potential target customers, so they can eventually buy the products or services you sell. 

You can always think in reverse! Think of the topics or content that perfectly aligns with your potential buyer’s intent regarding information or purchase. 

You can start finding blog content to write from that perspective. 

You can even start publishing content that is essentially around the products or services you sell. 

Think of all the queries, questions, and problems they have when they go to buy these products. 

A potential buyer searching for information on the web is the person you would want to target. 

So leverage the right information to find the relevant potential customers

Write The Content That Works

One of the best ways to find the right content for your blog is to check your own blog for posts that worked exceptionally great. 

You can use Google Analytics to see which posts of yours worked great over time.  

Then, there are various free tools you can use to find popular content to write about, such as  : 

  • Ubbersuggest 
  • Google Trends 

Ubbersuggest helps you break down any website with its top-performing pages laying out every particular detail. 

Image Source: Backlinko

You can see their top-performing page and get an idea to create for your own post. 

Google Trends is another free tool to find what’s trending in the Global content space or in your country as well. 

Either of the tools, look for the content that has the highest views on the internet or shares on social media space. 

Don’t just simply take the content and create a blog on it. Try to see the pattern on what kind of blogs are working well in your niche. 

Finding Topics Centered On Your Target Audience

You’re writing for your potential customers or the target audience, so maybe start right there! 

Shift your focus to your target readers. 

Think of what they would want to read, what could really help them resolve their issue. 

Image Source: Quora

You have to write depending on the problems and specific issues your potential target customers are facing with the niche or product industry you’re selling in. 

Don’t sell in your blogs. It hardly works, only making the blogs less intentful for helping out rather than selling. 

Especially if you’re looking forward to establishing yourself as a leader or an authority in the industry, you need to identify the needs, desires, and problems of your target audience. 

Now how do you find that out? 

There are plenty of places where you can communicate or pick up their mind, such as : 

  • Niche Forums 
  • Quora 
  • Blog Comments 
  • Social media Comments 
  • Product Reviews 
  • Tweets 
  • Facebook Groups 

You can even go and talk to people one-to-one, a few people every day, and slowly you start thinking like your target customer. 

Now you will know what topics to write to help them the most. 

Step #3: Fleshing Out An Outline For Your First Blog 

how to create outline for your first blog

Now, with everything in the line, it is time to initiate developing your first blog. And, the very first step of it is fleshing out a blog outline. 

Creating the Curiosity-Inflused Title/Headline  

Never just begin with a boring headline giving away the fact that your blog is going to be just another of millions available out there. 

The title should be something that holds curiosity for the readers to potentially lead them to at least open the blog right away. 

Image Source: Hubspot Blog

You don’t have to make it clickbait or misleading to lure people in. That’s only going to exploit the trust of people. 

“Curiosity” and “Hook” – Remember these two words and how you can influence it in your title. 

Here are some tips for doing that and more : 

  • Never use the general re-phrased headlines or titles taken from the web from the post you found on the web
  • Always write something specific, like super specific with what you want to tell the readers.
  • Never try to put everything in one blog; however, do use the segway to link your other comprehensive articles on the blog to help them where more explanation is needed. 
  • Don’t reveal your full solution. Flirt with your readers and make them on edge with how you are reaching the solution.
  • Give them the incentive to keep reading. So you need to optimize the whole blog as a puzzle revealing itself more and more.
  • Try to connect with your audience emotionally. Evoke emotional responses relating to their problem. 

Don’t fall into the format; you can always focus on what exactly you want to communicate and turn it into a title. 

If that helps, you need to make the title more “journalistic” in a sense like sensational, questioning, story-oriented, gossipy, or comparison. 

These are all different formats or types of articles that grab attention very well. 

different blog title examples

Craft the Hook That Hit Right To The Audience 

The hook should be the essential part of the headline-making sure that it does deliver a solid punch. 

An impression of the title must evoke curiosity and desperation to check out the article. 

Image Source: Neil Patel 

Remember, we are still not talking about clickbait; it can be more along the lines of hooking the audience with something they care for or might surprise them. 

It also can be something inspirational or controversial that leads them to read the full story. 

The purpose of the title is to give an idea of what they are going to get in the body of an article. 

On the internet, it escalated to parts where titles or headlines are the one-liners of the movie you are promising them. 

So if your one-liner is enjoyable, makes them excited, hooks them, or promises them the information that can resolve their problem right away, they are more likely to click on the article. 

Come up with An Magnetic Intro/ Opening 

tips make your blog opening effective

Once the reader is hooked upon the title you served, it’s time to serve the starters. And that’s the opening of your article. 

Mind that if the opening of the article isn’t impressive, readers aren’t going to invest more time reading through the end of your article. 

Image Source: Buzzstream

Considering the attention span of people, information overload, and the variety of things at their plate, people do not want to push themselves until something really grabs them at the moment. 

So the opening is the gateway to the rest of your content.  Make sure it is more inviting and promising. 

Your intro or opening must establish what the issue at hand or the problem the reader is dealing with. 

Image Source: Grow and Convert

Empathize with them on the right informative and relating notes, making a smooth segway on your promise to resolve them. 

Here are a few rules you need to take care of while writing the opening or intro of your blog : 

  • Make your first sentence something that punches with either sarcasm, information, statistics, or some hard truth.
  • Keep your sentences short and snappy.
  • Make the sentences snackable, easy to consume, and quick to understand.
  • The whole intro or opening must be scannable.
  • Use pointers whenever and wherever you can.
  • Put statistics or use quotations or cite examples to back your case.
  • Don’t be afraid to use personal anecdotes or stories to bring personalization, credibility, and authenticity to your opening. 

Your goal with the introduction should be first to paint this big problem, crisis, issue or whatever that the reader came into the blog. 

Use empathy to expand more on the issue and how it can escalate or impact their life. Basically, establish the graveness of the situation. 

Be emotional with your language but yet hopeful with where you’re leading with it. 

Image Source:  NP

Build anticipation on the fact as if you know the solution and are going to present it in this article. 

Use stories from other people or your own anecdotes to back up what you are saying. 

Promise them that the blog offers you the solution in the most practical way so that they can take immediate action to make it better. 

It is important to register that you are not offering theories or complicated solutions that are no good to them, as they might have already suffered from it. 

You need to sell them. The best solution is what you have for them, which is actionable and easy to take for them. 

Here are some very key elements used in the intros to make it more impactful : 

Using a Quote 

Image Source:  Orbit MS

Use a quote that either establishes the problem or creates hope for the solution further upcoming in the article. 

Make sure this quote is from some influencer in the same niche so it makes the utmost impact. 

It can be from entrepreneurs or influencers quoting in an interview or an article on the particular issue raised in the article. 

Quotes are also the best opening sentences of the article as it sometimes sensationalizes, tickle, or establish the graveness of the issue at hand. 

Addressing the Failed Solutions 

Image Source: Successful Blogging

Present them the case why all other solutions are not even useful or fail to resolve the issue. 

It will add more credibility to your case and importance to the solution you’re offering. 

You position yourself as nullifying the counterintuitive solutions that are also part of the problem. 

Make sure you present short arguments in this case. Better even use statistics to beat it. 

Creating The Shock Value 

Works like a charm, always! You can always open with the big bang, as they say.

Shock value brings the attention to the center and pulls the audience right in, and that’s why it is an effective tool for retaining people in. 

You can do that with a hard-truth fact or some jaw-dropping statistics, even some sentences that might sound bizarre at first; then you open it up to make more sense of it. 

For Example :

if your blog is about increasing website loading speed, well, tell them how a gigantic percentage of websites lose visitors per second with a lack of loading speed.

 Or how much loss retail companies make when the website is slow. 

“There Is A Storm Coming” 

Image Source: Thrive Themes

Well, this line is often used in movies to state the impending danger to the protagonist. 

It makes the situation grave and serious and creates a sense of urgency to do something about it. 

Not to miss, how furiously boost the curiosity of a person about this anticipating danger. 

That’s pretty much it! You do the same with the blog introducing the villain to your reader and how it is going to destroy everything. 

You have to lean into the emotion of your readers. 

Putting Storytelling Element 

One of the best ways to draw readers into your article is an opening with an intriguing story. 

Now, it can be true or maybe metaphorically suit the point you’re trying to make or the emotion you want to evoke. 

However, it definitely should be in the context of the blog and must serve the purpose at the point. 

Questioning The Reader  

Image Source: Flypchart

Asking the right questions is always effective in proving a point or getting the readers where you want to. 

It can even place your readers in a tough spot or moment of truth from where you can lead them to the right information and what to do with it. 

You can use one or a set of questions that are highly relevant to the target readers. For this, you surely need to have a strong grip on “who is your reader?” in detail.

Using the Empathy 

As mentioned earlier, empathy is going to be a crucial element used in the opening or intro of an article. 

You need to relate to the problems of your user, otherwise, it is hard to really connect the reader to what you have to offer. 

Image source: Neil Patel 

Put it out there that you understand how they feel and have been in the same shoes.  

Tell them they are not alone. Even share your story or a relevant story as an anecdote to relate. 

Detailing in writing here makes the emotional narrative really bonding, so work a lot on that. 

Make sure the writer really knows about the problem and what they are going through with it. 

Call Out Your Reader 

This might sound rude or something, but you have to have the audacity to call out your reader for their own good, obviously. 

And more than that, they need it! And also, they know it deep down. It is a matter of confronting them and resolving the issue. 

You have to address what’s wrong they have been doing so the problem exists in the first place. 

Or what possible problems can be there with what they have been doing. 

And do further lead with empathy and compassion that it’s okay but they need to do something about it. 

Here is when you can put your promise on what they can learn from this blog and how you can help. 

Step #4: Make The Body As Valuable As Promised, If Not More

The body is the part where the actual blog exists; this is where the reader is going to invest their maximum time.

Now, to begin with, everything that led your reader to the body of your article must live up to the expectations and relevance. 

A disappointment or derailment can cause losing the reader at the moment. 

The body of an article should always be what the reader can expect, if not more, but nothing less at all. 

Here are some tips on how you can make your blog body really dynamic and consumable for the reader : 

  • Always use shorter paragraphs of 2-3 lines maximum. 
  • Raise questions and exclamations wherever required to break the monotony of reading. 
  • Maintain the balance of the article being emotional and rational
  • Make heavy use of pointers and sub-pointers 
  • Put examples every now and then, if and when required. 
  • Make sure it is all new information and details for the reader. 
  • Utilize quotations from experts in the field. 
  • Bring your unique voice into the article. 
  • Make heavy use of headings and sub-headings 
  • Make sure the article is personalized for the reader. 
  • Add necessary statistics into the blog with their sources 
  • Use informative images to make the article more readable. 
  • Give readers practical and ready-to-do action-driven solutions 
  • Keep your theories brief and more actionable content. 
  • Insert bonus tips, pro tips, quick mentions, etc., like content nuggets. 
  • Use humor very smartly, not less, not more. 
  • Focus on bringing your personality in the blog to a certain level and define a style. 

End Your Blog With Solid Closing 

This is definitely the most overlooked part of writing blogs. 

Most writers do not even recognize the significance of a good closing, conclusion, or final word in an article. 

Many conclusions are found to be irrelevant on the blogs when you read them. This can be due to a lack of understanding of why a conclusion is essential for an article. 

 It is essential for a closing to get after a long read for the audience jogs the memory lane of what they have learned. 

Image Source: Hubspot Blog

It also leaves the reader with an overall positive feeling regarding coming through a solution in the article. 

Sometimes, the conclusion really incorporates a straightaway answer or bottom line for the whole article. 

It also helps you re-focussing the messaging of your blog that started from the intro. 

Not to forget the promise you made in the intro; remind yourself how it is resolved in the conclusion. 

Here are a few tips you need to write a good conclusion :

  • Make sure you keep the tone of your conclusion optimistic. 
  • Emphasis on the primary message you started with in the intro coming to the full circle. 
  • Give your readers some CTA, more inspiration to act, or some steps they go with after this closing. 
  • Summarize what the reader learned in the whole blog, in a nutshell, just the “what” of it. 
  • You can also create a sense of urgency with your conclusion to encourage them to act instantly. 

Blogging Tips For Small Businesses

Speak To One Targeted Audience

From your first blog to the one you’re writing now and also through your blog, the target audience should be in your mind while writing it.

You need to focus on who you are speaking to while writing the blog. Profiling your ideal reader or prospective buyer is essential.

Find out who is buying what you are selling. You have to write according to the type of audience you are trying to reach. 

Write according to the targeted audience and address their concerns.

 Even the age, demographics, language, how much they earn, and other details like that can help you define your style and voice more clearly.  

Using The 6-Point Persuasion Framework 

One of the best things you can do with your blog post is to not make it simply like the other tons of it on the internet. 

Reiteration or just re-writing articles from the internet without providing something extra won’t put you in the spotlight. 

Your blog posts need to be very high-quality and convincing, with their information backed by facts and research. 

But the grave mistake that many small business owners make is trying to sell on their blogs. 

Even when they think being smart or sneaky about it, it is pretty much sleazy and discredits your blogs as well. 

So if you want your blogs to sell things, it won’t be direct or, so to say, “indirect,” which is just randomly coming up with a sales link in the middle of the blog. 

Focus on being persuasive with your blog. Even they shouldn’t really feel like they are being sold something through the blog. 

how to pursued your audience buy through your blog

How would you do that?  

Well, using this 6-point persianas framework including steps like  : 

  • Likeability 
  • Credibility 
  • Urgency
  • Authority
  • Reciprocity
  • Authenticity 

Let’s break down one by one what these are and how they help your blog to persuade and sell without selling. 


Isn’t it obvious? If your readers do not like you, nothing really matters. It is the very first wall between you and your readers or potential eventual customers. 

Usually, people do not like perfection, over-the-top promises, or any irrelevance. So better be vulnerable and relatable with your audience. 

Focus on telling your story; it is what they are going to connect with. Make sure you also project your mistakes and imperfections and how you overcome them. 

Today, branding is all about storytelling and relating. 

If you are more authentic and honest about your content, people are more likely to like you and even recommend you to others through sharing or verbally. 


Most buyers procrastinate on their decision to buy for multiple reasons. One of them is not sure about the purchase, high cost, or just habitual procrastinating of ordering it later. 

You need to help your prospective buyers get over this habit and make the decision right away. 

To do this, you can create a sense of urgency with the purchase. The idea is to encourage potential buyers to purchase in the given time in exchange for some benefit or fear of particular loss. 

For example, you can set a timer on your sale stating that the prices will be down only for this particular time. 

Or you can also tell there are only limited stocks available for the product to the must buy immediately before all get sold out. 

This same sense of urgency can be brought to your blog as well, making the content more time-sensitive. 

It should be something people prefer, or they are bound to interact at the moment and not later. 


Readers or the audience identify and rewards the authenticity of a brand or content when they see it. 

It helps them develop trust even more. Authenticity with the blog also means the consistency of the content and upholding the promise to show up. 

People get the message that you want to impart to the world regularly, so they get used to you. 

Authenticity shows strength; it comes from the place of honesty and transparency with the readers. 


The most powerful weapon in the pulsation has to be an authority. It allows the creator to empower their audience in the direction that helps them. 

Authority makes you more credible to the people allowing you to influence the audience on a bigger scale. 

It comes with the responsibility of maintaining the promised quality and content that helps/entertain or engages your consumers. 

You can create authority gradually with consistent publishing of data-driven insightful content, laser-focused vision, and high engagement with the audience. 


Credibility and Authority are inter-connected, or you can even consider the credibility of the predecessor of the authority. 

Unless you are convinced and trustworthy for your audience, they won’t be moved by your content. 

Credibility comes from many things, including your merit for the skill or content you’re creating. 

It also builds through consistency and authenticity over time. Make sure the content is focused on resolving problems for your readers. 


You should always remember that attention is the “currency” of the internet. The more you have it, the larger you grow and the faster you grow. 

And when you get attention, you need to make sure to do your best with it. Otherwise, you’ll just lose opportunities. 

You need to reciprocate the value with something better than the time people are investing in you. 

Don’t hook them up or try to get in with the instant moment. Respect that time and provide them with the content they are looking for or, better, surprise them with the value they got within these few minutes. 

Provide your best content for free to grow your blog a hundredfold and, eventually, your business as well. 

State The Purpose Of Your Blog 

It might sound very obvious, but when you see the confusion or irregularities in the blogging voice in the business, it will concern you. 

So, it is better to bring utter clarity and an overall vision in your mind regarding the purpose of your blog. 

Now to begin with, Purpose is not a goal! 

You can make multiple goals about increasing sales by certain percentages or aiming for certain expansion or anything. 

Image Source: Make a Website Hub

Purpose, on the other hand, is more holistic; it is about thinking about what your business or product can bring to the world.

How can it make a difference in people’s lives?  It has to be something bigger than your goal or goals. 

See what would be the ideal case with your business you want to be? 

Purpose helps you drive the business always in the direction you dream of. It will keep you in check with all the decisions you make. 

Who Is Your Reader Or Prospective Buyer?

Having your blog targeted isn’t enough! You need to know exactly who your reader is, or the prospective buyer.

What are their problems? What do they aspire to be?  How can you help them? And other various questions that help you craft the prospective buyer persona. 

Do not try to imitate or inhabit a style that pleases potential buyers or your favorite writer. 

Focus on understanding your prospective buyer. Define them as a persona. Put a picture in your mind. 

It can be a semi-fictional character based on extensive research, market research, and data on your ideal customer. 

Personalize them with their motivations and their emotional preferences as well. 

Always keep learning about your readers through interacting, engaging, and communicating with them. 

Use polls, questionnaires, surveys, or even conversations to bring the persona of your ideal customer into reality. 

Deciding Your Voice 

This is something dependent upon who is your ideal customer or the persona you are targeting. 

The more you know about the buyer persona, the better you will be able to decide your voice for blogging. 

It should be serving your ideal customer, their preferences, problems, and more. 

Their age group and demographic region, along with their language preferences, again affect your voice a lot. 

How do you want to converse with them or refer to them in the blog? It can be : 

  • Formal 
  • Funny
  • Casual 
  • Informative 
  • B2B 
  • Very casual 

Apart from that, the style, language, and words you choose also define your voice. 

Blog Post Ideas For Business  

You can write multiple blogs on accumulating or aggregating the resources to your target audience.

For Example, if you sell video editing software, you can create blogs aggregating free online resources for them.

Since you know your blogs are targeting video creators from hobbyists to professionals. 

You can write on topics like  : 

  • 100 Free Video Editing Effects You Can Find Online 
  • 40+ Blogs to Learn Video Editing 
  • 30 Free Video Editing Tools For Beginners 

And so on. 

When you provide hundreds of free and paid resources to your target audience, it can really make a difference to their work, learn and grow more. 

Write A Blog Post Compilation Of All The Articles On On Topic

You might have seen this a lot with bloggers already.

When you search for a topic, a lot of bloggers have compiled their list of blogs in an order that makes the topic easy to understand and more comprehensible. 

Well, you can do the same with your blog. 

If you already have plenty of blogs, short blogs, or other forms of content published, you can add them together in a sequential way on a particular topic. 

For example, if your blog is about blogging, you might have plenty of posts regarding starting a blog, buying a domain, finding keywords, installing WordPress, and others. 

Well, for someone who wants to know “ how to start a blog from beginning to end”, you can compile all the blogs together and make a formatted list. 

This categorization and internal aggregation can be based on different factors. You might just list all of your blogs that teach about how to use WordPress. 

So there are hundreds of ways to go about this and create more content variation on your blog. 

Advice & Tips Aggregated From Experts

        Image Source: Forbes 

Learners are always keen to get tips and advice from experts in the industry. That content is quite effective and even rare to get. 

The experts in the industry might have interviews all over the internet, many blogs, magazines, their own books, and so much out there. 

You can create blog posts sharing expert advice on particular topics in your niche.

An aggregated post filled with advice, tips, and strategies suggested only by experts and professionals in a particular niche in abundance is priceless information for the readers. 

Such posts require long-time research and a lot of work but come as high-quality and extremely valuable content on the internet. 

If you are doing the interviews on YouTube or publishing interviews from your niches, you can get quotes from those interviews as well. 

Another idea will be to publish a list of tips and advice from a particular celebrity or expert in the industry. 

Case Studies And Success Stories

    Image Source: Niche Persuits 

Case studies such as  ‘How some XYZ company made $$ amount in 44 days,” “How Mr.XYZ made his business grow from here to there,” and so on, are really exciting to read. 

These are, in particular, with the niche of business and earning money. Case studies can be provided in any niche or industry.

You can also tell the success stories of people in your industry or the skill set your blog is about. 

You can also take a personality, businessman, or celebrity from your niche and present his/her success stories to inspire your audience. 

  Image Source: ReferralCandy

Quote them from various interviews they have given. Use the information available through books, autobiographies, documentaries, social media, and media firms. 

Write in your own way; you don’t have to make it as other blogs are writing. Make sure your success stories have more fleshed-out lessons for people to do and not to do. 

How-To Guides 

Image Source: NP

This goes without saying!  How-to guides are quite popular on the internet as they extensively provide all the information on the “how” aspect of any topic. 

Since it is question-oriented, it is different than an “Ultimate Guide” or “Beginners ‘Guide”, as more focused on providing answers to the reader. 

For Example, if the title is “ How To Install WordPress Plugin In Your Blog?” then the answer might be very extensive, detailed, and step-by-step but still will be around the questions asked. 

It would be more specific and direct and so helpful for people who want to know. 

So you can definitely have plenty of these on your blog, depending upon your niche. 

You don’t have to choose writing between a “how-to” article and an “ultimate guide” article on a particular topic. 

A how-to on any topic can be many, but the ultimate guide on a particular topic is going to be only one. 

So it is better if you have both of those on your website to help your target audience in whichever way they prefer or looking for. 

Publish Ultimate Guide 

Image Source: Exposure Ninja 

Well, like this you’re reading now, you can always publish the ultimate guide in any and every topic of your niche. 

The ultimate guide on any topic is detailed information about a topic with different aspects, mostly everything you need to know at a certain level. 

Be generous with the length of the article but make sure you make it easy to read with tons of graphics, statistics, infographics, images, videos, resources, and much more. 

Make it as detailed as it can be but still focus your areas considering how much a new beginner for the topic can learn through one ultimate guide. 

Do leave the spaces where the topic needs more expansion. 

Don’t worry. You can always write more blogs dedicated to those areas in much more detail and even link them there.  

Let the audience decide how far they want to go with the sub-topics and other aspects of any particular topic they are reading about. 

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