An Ultimate USA Social Media Calendar 2022

It does not matter whether it is Drinks Giving Day, Dessert Day, or Mandala Day, it appears that a holiday will be celebrated virtually every single day on the web. All these days have been assigned to various causes including individuals, foods.

Therefore, you have to constantly come up with ideas for content for your blog and social media platforms, and you’ll have no excuse.

The ability to create content based on these ideas will allow you significantly in increasing followers as well as engagement to your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. 

Apart from this, it would be possible for you to tie these content ideas intended for social media platforms into your blog content directly. It is also been found that it is possible to leverage the audience for enhancing your email subscribers once your social engagement is high. 

best social media calendar for usa

This is exactly why a social media calendar is required. A social media calendar contains the important days along with their dates, according to which your content can be perfectly aligned, which in turn will help you engage and attract your followers on different social networking sites.

We have worked on creating an ideal social media calendar for the coming year, which will motivate you to develop popular posts, as well as content on the social media platforms of yours. 

Ultimate USA Social Media Calendar for Small Business listed as per every month.


Although the Americans might be battling the cold weather during January, there are some hot and intriguing stories behind several of the exciting January holidays. Americans love celebrating their January holidays to the fullest. Here is the January social media calendar for you to plan your posts accordingly.

1 Jan New Year’s Day (Friday) – It’s the start of New Year according to Gregorian Calendar

2 Jan Science Fiction Day (Saturday) – This day celebrates the birthday of Isaac Asimov, a science-fiction writer.

7 Jan Orthodox Christmas Day (Thursday) – Many Christians celebrate this day as Orthodox Christmas Day according to Gregorian Calendar.

9 Jan Bubble Bath Day (Saturday) – The practice of bubble bath happens to be an enjoyable activity and it is believed that it helps to cleanse the skin.

13 Jan Stephen Foster Memorial Day (Wednesday) – It is a day where Americans pay tribute to the finest musicians of the USA.

14 Jan Orthodox New Year (Thursday) – This day is celebrated as New year according to Julian Calendar.

15 Jan Hat Day (Friday) – On this particular day individuals are going to prepare their own hats by accumulating the craft supplies, and they also wear hats.

16 Jan Get To Know Your Customers Day (Saturday) – This day reminds the companies to communicate with their patrons so that it is possible to know them in a better way.

18 Jan Winnie The Pooh Day (Monday) – This day remembers the birthday of writer A.A. Milne who was born in the year 1882. This individual was responsible for providing life to the lovable bear in his stories which likewise featured Christopher Robin, his son.

18 Jan Martin Luther King Jr Day (Monday) – This day is celebrated for the achievements and life Of Martin Luther King Jr.

18 Jan Idaho Humans Right Day (Monday) – On this day the human rights of America are celebrated.

18 Jan Civil Rights Day (Monday) – On this day Civil Rights activists and King Martin Luther day is celebrated

19 Jan Robert E Lee’s Birthday (Tuesday) – On this day Americans celebrate Robert E Lee’s Birthday.

19 Jan Confederate Heroes Day (Tuesday) –  On this day people of America honor and remember the Confederate soldiers who died or wounded during the American Civil War during the 1860s.

20 Jan Inauguration Day (Wednesday) – On this day presidential elections have been held.

20 Jan Cheese Lovers Day (Wednesday) – On this day, one will be able to taste new cheese and also learn about new recipes that make use of different types of cheese.

23 Jan National Pie Day (Saturday) – This particular day had been created for celebrating the pie. On this day, all individuals prepare their preferred pies and also eat some tasty ones.

28 Jan Data Privacy Day (Thursday) – The objective of this particular day is to increase awareness and encourage privacy as well as data protection practices.

31 Jan Hot Chocolate Day (Sunday) – There is an increasing demand for hot chocolate during winter in the US. On this particular day, this delightful and sweet beverage is served throughout the country.

january usa social media calendar


It is a fact that February happens to be the end of winter; however, you’ll come across lots of celebrations and events happening across the U.S. Here is the February social media calendar according to which you can plan and strategize content for your social media sites.

1 Feb National Freedom Day (Monday) – This particular day is known to celebrate freedom from slavery and also recognizes that the nation happens to be an emblem of liberty.

1 Feb Bubblegum Day (Monday) – It will be an enjoyable way to chew your favorite bubblegum, and raise some money as well.

4 Feb World Cancer Day (Thursday) – It happens to be an initiative under which it is possible for the whole world to unite together for combating the global cancer epidemic.

5 Feb National Wear Red Day (Friday) – On this particular day, males and females in America are encouraged to put on red as an emblem of the support of the heart health of women.

5 Feb National Singing Day (Friday) – This day encourages individuals throughout the US to sing. The objective of this day will be to foster harmony and unity by means of a common experience.

9 Feb National Pizza Day (Tuesday) – Pizza is known to be an American favorite and this particular day celebrates this delicious treat in the best possible way.

10 Feb World Pulses Day (Wednesday) – This particular day provides an innovative opportunity for increasing public awareness of the benefits of consuming pulses.

12 Feb Lincoln’s Birthday (Friday) – This day celebrates Abraham Lincoln’s birthday who happens to be one of the most well-known presidents in the history of the United States.

13 Feb World Radio Day (Saturday) – This day celebrates the radio as a means of educating individuals, providing them with information, and also encouraging freedom of expression.

14 Feb Valentine’s Day (Sunday) – This particular day is a festival of passionate love and many individuals give letters, cards, presents, or flowers to their partner or spouse.

15 Feb Presidents’ Day (Monday) – It honors the presidents of the US including George Washington, the first president of the country.

16 Feb Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras (Tuesday) – Mardi Gras is considered to be a holiday in many parts of the US and is also referred to as Shrove Tuesday.

17 Feb Ash Wednesday (Wednesday) – Lots of Christian Americans are known to mark this particular day as the initial day of Lent.

18 Feb Drink Wine Day (Thursday) – This day reminds Americans to drink their favorite wine.

20 Feb World Day of Social Justice (Saturday) – This particular day motivates individuals to look at how the eradication of poverty is affected by social justice. It likewise emphasizes the objective of attaining full employment as well as support for social amalgamation.

20 Feb Love Your Pet Day (Saturday) – This day is observed by pet lovers throughout the US. It emphasizes providing additional attention to pets.

22 Feb Be Humble Day (Monday) – This holiday encourages the concept that it will be possible to become a better human being by accepting our faults and errors.

26th Feb Pistachio Day (Friday) – On this day, all things related and associated with the pistachios are celebrated, and is particularly set aside for pistachio lovers to signify that pistachio is super healthy.

february USA social media calendar


March signifies the commencement of spring and the end of winter. It is the ideal time to review the holidays and special days in the US., according to which your posts should b created. Here is the march social media calendar for you.

1 Mar Casimir Pulaski Day (Monday) – This particular day happens to be a legitimate holiday in Illinois. It is observed to celebrate Casimir Pulaski’s birthday who contributed to the independence of the US.

2 Mar Texas Independence Day (Tuesday) – It celebrates the adoption of the independence declaration of the state of Texas.

2 Mar Read Across America Day (Tuesday) – Lots of individuals in the US, especially students, teachers, and parents are known to join forces on this day which is held annually on the first school day. This holiday likewise coincides with Dr. Seuss’s birthday who is renowned for writing books for children.

3 Mar World Wildlife Day (Wednesday) – This day is observed on third March every year for increasing the awareness of plants and animals which are endangered, and also ways to combat wildlife crime.

4 Mar Grammar Day (Thursday) – It encourages the Americans for making use of proper grammar in written as well as verbal language.

5 Mar Employee Appreciation Day (Friday) – On this day, the bosses across the country have an opportunity of supporting and rewarding their employees.

8 Mar International Women’s Day (Monday) – This day celebrates the achievements made by women throughout history and across different countries.

10 Mar Pack Your Lunch Day (Wednesday) – It motivates the Americans to carry their lunch along with them everywhere they go irrespective of whether it is school or workplace.

14 Mar Popcorn Lover’s Day (Sunday) – It encourages Americans to eat popcorn which is available in salted or sweetened flavor.

16 Mar Freedom Of Information Day (Tuesday) – This day observes the birthday of James Madison, the president of America who gave lots of importance to freedom of information and individual rights.

17 Mar St. Patrick’s Day (Wednesday) – On this day, St Patrick who happens to be one of the patron saints of Ireland is remembered.

20 Mar Proposal Day (Saturday) – It provides an equal opportunity to all Americans when it comes to proposing marriage.

21 Mar World Poetry Day (Sunday) – This day gives us an opportunity of appreciating and supporting poets as well as poetry across the globe.

21 Mar International Day of Forests (Sunday) – It promotes the significance of trees and forests in our day-to-day lives. This day addresses problems including deforestation.

22 Mar World Water Day (Monday) – Events are usually organized on this particular day for enhancing the awareness of the individuals regarding the importance of water in agriculture, the environment, trade, as well as health. 

23 Mar World Meteorological Day (Tuesday) – This day is organized by the United Nations and various events and activities are organized on this occasion.

23 Mar Puppy Day (Tuesday) – It celebrates the affection and love provided by puppies in our lives.

24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day (Wednesday) – This global event intends to increase the 28 Mar Palm Sunday (Sunday) – On Palm Sunday, many Christians in the US remember the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

28 Mar Passover (first day) (Sunday) – Usually lasting for 8 days in the US, the Passover period is spent by many Jewish individuals with their near and dear ones.

29 Mar National Vietnam War Veterans Day (Monday) – This day is known to honor the military members of the US who served the country during the Vietnam War.

31 March World Backup Day (Wednesday) – This day is celebrated primarily to prepare oneself from being fooled the day after, which is April Fool’s Day.

march usa Social media calendar


We all know April to be a season of flowers in the US and everybody has the opportunity of enjoying a delightful time out there. Let us look at some of the most notable holidays this month in the US. Here is the April social media calendar for you.

1 Apr Maundy Thursday (Thursday) – Also referred to as Holy Thursday, this day happens to be a Christian observance in the US. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

1 Apr April Fools Day (Thursday) – This day, which is also referred to as All Fool’s Day, happens to be a day for jokes, pranks, and tricks.

2 Apr Good Friday (Friday) – It is the day when the crucifixion of Christ is commemorated by the Christians.

2 Apr World Autism Awareness Day (Friday) – It intends to enhance the awareness of individuals regarding people, particularly children, suffering from autism.

3 Apr Holy Saturday (Saturday) – Lots of Christians in the US are known to observe Holy Saturday which falls between Easter Sunday and Good Friday. It is known to commemorate the day when Christ lay in his tomb following his demise.

4 Apr Last Day of Passover (Sunday) – The last day of Passover is marked by lots of Jewish communities in the US as the conclusion of a Jewish holiday which is known to celebrate the deliverance of the Jewish individuals from slavery in the land of Egypt.

4 Apr Easter Sunday (Sunday) – On this day, many Christians in the US celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

5 Apr Easter Monday (Monday) – Several Easter traditions are continued on this day like the egg rolling race.

6 Apr National Library Workers’ Day (Tuesday) – This day is celebrated by librarians across the US.

7 Apr World Health Day (Wednesday) – This event is organized by the United Nations for 13 Apr Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday (Tuesday) – Thomas Jefferson had been the 3rd president of the US and was known to be one of the founding fathers of the country.

10 Apr National Siblings Day (Saturday) – This day is observed for honoring our brothers as well as sisters.

11 Apr National Pet Day (Sunday) – This particular day is dedicated to pets that might not get the required attention deserved by them.

15 Apr Tax Day (Thursday) – This particular day is marked by lots of residents in the US as the deadline for filing their income tax details.

15 Apr Father Damien Day (Thursday) – On this day, in the year 1889, Father Damien met his demise in Hawaii. He was an individual who cared for those who suffered from Hansen’s disease on this island.

16 Apr Emancipation Day (Friday) – Emancipation Day is observed as a holiday in Washington DC for marking the centenary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act by Abraham Lincoln in the year 1862.

18 Apr National High-Five Day (Sunday) – On this day you will be able to β€œhigh-five” any individual with whom you come across.

19 Apr Patriot’s Day (Monday) – This day commemorates the battles of Concord and Lexington which had been fought in 1775 near Boston.

19 Apr Boston Marathon (Monday) – Being the oldest annual marathon on the planet, it is held in Boston on Patriot’s Day.

22 Apr Earth Day (Thursday) – Earth Day happens to be a name that is employed for a couple of identical global observances. While Earth Day is celebrated by some individuals on our around the March equinox, others observe this occasion on 22nd April every year. This day intends to motivate appreciation and awareness for the environment of our planet.

24 Apr Denim Day (Saturday) – This day helps to raise awareness regarding every form of sexual violence.

25 Apr World Malaria Day (Sunday) – It provides individuals with an opportunity to promote the endeavor meant for preventing and reducing malaria across the globe.

26 Apr Confederate Memorial Day (Monday) – Being a state holiday in certain states in the US, it provides an opportunity for the people to remember and honor the Confederate soldiers who gave their lives or were injured during the American Civil War.

29 Apr International Dance Day (Thursday) – It happens to be a yearly celebration of the positive influence that dance can have in our lives.

30 Apr Orthodox Good Friday (Friday) – On this particular day, which is likewise known as Holy Friday, Good Friday is observed by many Orthodox Christian churches in the US.

30 Apr National Honesty Day (Friday) – This particular day challenges all individuals to be truthful to everything performed by them.

April USA social Media Calendar


May happens to be an exciting month in the US given that summer is on the way. It is the time when individuals plan to go on vacation and students plan for their extended summer breaks. May is likewise a month, which sees lots of holidays. Here is the social media calendar for the month of May.

1 May Orthodox Holy Saturday (Saturday) – According to the Christian belief, it is the day when Christ lay in his tomb following his death.

2 May Orthodox Easter (Sunday) –On this day, a lot of Orthodox Christians in the US celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

2 May World Password Day (Sunday) – Passwords are extremely important when it comes to online dating, shopping, banking, private work, life communications, and social media. This day helps to encourage better password habits.

3 May Space Day (Monday) – This day is dedicated to the remarkable achievements, opportunities, as well as benefits in the exploration of space.

4 May Kent State Shootings Remembrance (Tuesday) – Every year, on this day, activists, students, and survivors accommodate at the Kent State University for marking the Kent State massacre anniversary which took place in 1970.

4 May Star Wars Day (Tuesday) – This particular day is celebrated by numerous enthusiasts of Star Wars with celebrations and parties throughout the country.

6 May National Day of Prayer (Thursday) – It calls on individuals of various faiths in the US to pray for the country as well as its leaders.

7 May Truman Day observed (Friday) – This day honors Harry S Truman who was born in Missouri and was a president of the US.

7 May Thank a Teacher Day (Friday) – On this day, committed instructors are recognized throughout the nation.

8 May Truman Day (Saturday) – It is used to honor Harry S Truman who was born in Missouri and had been a US president.

9 May Mother’s Day (Sunday) – It celebrates motherhood and appreciates mothers as well as mother figures.

13 May Ascension Day (Thursday) – It commemorates the ascension of Christ into heaven.

13 May Eid al-Fitr (Thursday) – This day marks the conclusion of the fast of Ramadan.

15 May Armed Forces Day (Saturday) – It is a day for paying tribute to individuals who serve the armed forces of the US.

21 May World Tea Day (Friday) – This event is intended to increase the awareness of the economic importance of the across the globe.

21 May National Memo Day (Friday) – On this day, you will be sent a reminder in case you forget.

22 May National Maritime Day (Saturday) – It portrays the gratitude of the Americans for the maritime industry.

23 May Pentecost (Sunday) – This day remembers the Holy Ghost’s descent upon Christ’s disciples.

24 May National Scavenger Hunt Day (Monday) – On this day, we tend to come across random items for the sake of enjoyment.

28 May Hamburger Day (Friday) – This day celebrates the most iconic food of America.

30 May Trinity Sunday (Sunday) – It is celebrated by lots of Christians in the US and happens to be amongst the few feasts which are notable as a doctrine.

31 May World No-Tobacco Day (Monday) – This day is intended to educate individuals and also spread awareness regarding the detrimental effects of tobacco on our health.

May USA Social media calendar


The summer season starts with June in the US, and the warm weather makes it appropriate for traveling. Below, we have mentioned some of the most notable holidays in the month of June that you will not want to miss. Here is the June social media calendar.

1 Jun International Children’s Day (Tuesday) – This day helps to encourage global togetherness amongst kids across the globe.

5 Jun World Environment Day (Saturday) – The World Environment Day stimulates the awareness of individuals across the world regarding our environment and surroundings.

6 Jun D-Day (Sunday) – It is observed in the memory of the Normandy landings in 1944 in France in which American soldiers fought to conclude World War II.

7 Jun Higher Education Day (Monday) – This day aims in helping the students obtain a higher education degree.

8 Jun Best Friends Day (Tuesday) – This particular day is observed for honoring your β€œbest friend” who is a special person to you.

11 Jun Kamehameha Day (Friday) – This day is held in the honor of Kamehameha the Great who had been the monarch of Hawaii.

14 Jun Flag Day (Monday) – This day is celebrated by individuals across the country to honor the country’s flag. The birthday of the United States Army is also celebrated on this day.

14 Jun World Blood Donor Day (Monday) – This day intends to enhance the awareness of people for blood donations on a regular basis for saving the lives of individuals.

20 Jun Father’s Day (Sunday) – This day celebrates the contribution made by fathers for the lives of their children.

20 Jun American Eagle Day (Sunday) – It celebrates the bald eagle which happens to be amongst the most recognizable national symbols of America.

20 Jun World Refugee Day (Sunday) – This particular event is used to honor the strength, courage, as well as determination of men, women, and kids who have been compelled to flee their motherland because of conflict, persecution, and violence.

21 Jun International Day of Yoga (Monday) – It aims to make yoga an integral part of our day-to-day lives since harmony and peace are associated with yoga.

21 Jun National Selfie Day (Monday) – On this day, individuals are encouraged to capture selfies using their smartphones for sharing them on social media.

27 Jun National Sunglasses Day (Sunday) – On this day, individuals are informed regarding the threats of exposure to the UV days and how sunglasses will help to protect them.

30 Jun World Social Media Day (Wednesday)- Social media is celebrated on this day and people honor how social media has lessened the gaps between families, friends, and more.

June USA Social Media Calendar


July happens to be an exciting and busy time in the US. Here is the social media calendar for July.

2 Jul World UFO Day (Friday) – This particular day helps to spread awareness regarding Unidentified Flying Objects spotted in different parts of our planet.

4 Jul Independence Day (Sunday) – On this day, the United States became independent from Great Britain in the year 1776. 

7 Jul World Chocolate Day (Wednesday) – This day permits chocolate enthusiasts across the globe to enjoy their preferred treat without any sort of guilt.

11 Jul World Population Day (Sunday) – The World Population Day intends to enhance the awareness amongst individuals regarding the impact of an increasing population and also the significance of family-planning, human rights, and so on.

11 Jul Cheer Up the Lonely Day (Sunday) – On this day, individuals try to provide somebody with a lift in case he or she tends to be lonely out there.

17 Jul World Emoji Day (Saturday) – Emojis are used by us on social media on a wide scale at present. This particular day helps to celebrate the emojis 

25 Jul Parents’ Day (Sunday) – This day intends to promote parenting and celebrate the bond of love between children and their parents.

26 Jul Talk in an Elevator Day (Monday) – This day motivates us to interact with somebody in an elevator.

28 Jul World Hepatitis Day (Wednesday) – It intends to spread awareness regarding viral hepatitis which happens to be the inflammation of the liver resulting in issues such as liver cancer.

30 Jul International Day of Friendship (Friday) – This day intends to promote the role of friendship amongst different cultures.

july USA Social Media Calendar


August happens to be the warmest month in the US. A number of summer events as well as activities take place this month. Here is the August social media calendar for you to plan your posts accordingly. 

1 Aug Respect for Parents Day (Sunday) – This day acknowledges the leadership roles played by parents in the life of a child and also in society.

8 Aug International Cat Day (Sunday) – This is the appropriate day for providing extra attention for the cats.

10 Aug Muharram (Tuesday) – A lot of Muslims in the US observe the beginning of the New Year of Islam on the 1st day of Muharram.

12 Aug International Youth Day (Thursday) – The International Youth Day intends to enhance the awareness regarding the youth and also draws attention to all the problems faced by youths across the globe.

13 Aug International Lefthanders Day (Friday) – It emphasizes the issues is by the left-handers in our everyday life.

15 Aug Assumption of Mary (Sunday) – This day is celebrated by the Catholic churches in the US for honoring the belief that the mother of Jesus was taken to heaven.

15 Aug National Relaxation Day (Sunday) – This is a day for all of us to unwind and slow down. On this day we should relax and take care of ourselves.

19 Aug National Aviation Day (Thursday) – This particular day is observed in the US for celebrating aviation’s history and development.

19 Aug World Humanitarian Day (Thursday) – This particular day is intended to honor every humanitarian who have tried to promote the humanitarian cause and has lost lives while doing so.

19 Aug World Photo Day (Thursday) – This day is used to celebrate the history, craft, art, and science of photography.

20 Aug National Lemonade Day (Friday) – Apart from allowing the youth to enjoy a glass of refreshing lemonade, this day also provides them with a chance of tasting success.

26 Aug Women’s Equality Day (Thursday) – It is used to celebrate the centenary of the 19th Amendment’s adoption to the Constitution of the US in 1920.

August USA Social media Calendar


For many parts of the US, September happens to be a time for enjoying nice temperatures and a plethora of outdoor activities, sports events, and festivals. Here is the social media calendar for September. 

4 Sep National Wildlife Day (Saturday) – This day encourages enhanced awareness of the surrounding species.

5 Sep International Day of Charity (Sunday) – This day intends to promote the charitable endeavor made for getting rid of poverty across the globe.

6 Sep  Labor Day (Monday) – It is used to celebrate the contributions made by the labor unions to the economy of the US.

8 Sep International Literacy Day (Wednesday) – The International Literacy Day intends to increase the awareness of individuals and their concerns for literacy problems across the globe.

11 Sep Patriot Day (Saturday) – It is used to remember all those individuals who had been injured or died at the time of the terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001 in the US.

11 Sep National Day of Service and Remembrance (Saturday) – It honors approximately 3000 victims who gave their lives in the terrorist attacks on this day in the year 2001.

12 Sep National Video Games Day (Sunday) – This particular day acknowledges the technology behind video games and also appreciates the expertise needed to play them.

17 Sep Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (Friday) – On this day, the Constitution of the US was formed and signed in the year 1787.

21 Sep International Day of Peace (Tuesday) – This day intends to admire the endeavor made by people for promoting peace and ending conflicts.

22 Sep Emancipation Day (Wednesday) – The abolishment of slavery is remembered by many in the US.

22 Sep Car-Free Day (Wednesday) – It happens to the motorists across the globe to give up their vehicles for one day.

27 Sep World Tourism Day (Monday) – Many individuals across the globe celebrate his day for fostering awareness regarding the significance of tourism and its cultural, social, political, as well as economic values.

28 Sep World Rabies Day (Tuesday) – This day aims in spreading awareness regarding the prevention of this horrifying ailment.

30 Sep International Podcast Day (Thursday) – This day is dedicated to promoting the developing media of podcasts.

September USA Social Media Calendar


October is a month in the US when the miserable heat of the summer cools down with the arrival of fall. The season is known to bring fall festivals as well as Halloween events across the US. Here is the social media calendar for October.

1 Oct World Vegetarian Day (Friday) – This day encourages individuals to get rid of meat as well as animal products from their daily diet.

1 Oct World Smile Day (Friday) – This day is the appropriate day to make others smile and also ensures that you can smile as well.

2 Oct International Day of Nonviolence (Saturday) – Being organized by the United Nations, this day helps to encourage nonviolence by means of public awareness and education.

4 Oct  Child Health Day (Monday) – This day raises the awareness of the people of how they will be able to safeguard and develop the health of children.

5 Oct World Teachers’ Day (Tuesday) – This day is used to celebrate the roles of teachers when it comes to providing proper education in society.

10 Oct World Mental Health Day (Sunday) – This particular day intends to increase awareness amongst people regarding the mental health conditions across the globe.

11 Oct International Day of the Girl (Monday) – This particular day helps to promote the rights of the girls and also emphasizes the gender inequalities that persist between boys and girls.

14 Oct National Dessert Day (Thursday) – It encourages individuals to indulge in consuming scrumptious desserts either before or after dinner.

15 Oct White Cane Safety Day (Friday) – It celebrates the achievements of the blind as well as visually impaired individuals in the US.

16 Oct World Food Day (Saturday) – This day intends to increase awareness amongst individuals regarding the significance of consuming proper food in our day-to-day lives.

17 Oct International Day for Eradication of Poverty (Sunday) – It helps to increase awareness about those individuals who are suffering from poverty.

21 Oct Reptile Awareness Day (Thursday) – This is a day for reptile enthusiasts to celebrate, and it also encourages education, appreciation, and preservation of the reptiles.

24 Oct United Nations Day (Sunday) – The United Nations Day is used to highlight and reflect on the work done by the United Nations over the years.

30 Oct Checklist Day (Saturday) – Checklists are extremely important for you in this contemporary world. This day helps to remind you regarding the significance of checklists.

31 Oct Halloween (Sunday) – Halloween is celebrated by many Americans on this day which includes trick-or-treating and costume parties.

October USA Social Media Calendar


2 of the most significant holidays during November happen to be Thanksgiving and Veterans Day; nevertheless, other smaller events are likewise taking place in the US as well during this time. Here is the November social media calendar.

1 Nov  All Saints’ Day (Monday) – This day is celebrated by lots of Catholic churches in the US for honoring all the saints, especially those who don’t have their personal special feast day on this day.

1 Nov World Vegan Day (Monday) – This particular day makes us aware of animal rights and encourages us to resort to a vegan lifestyle.

2 Nov Election Day (Tuesday) – On this day, popular ballots are being held for selecting public officials.

4 Nov National Candy Day (Thursday) – This day celebrates the consumption of candies which come in delightful flavors and vibrant colors.

14 Nov World Diabetes Day (Sunday) – It intends to enhance the awareness amongst individuals regarding the complications caused by diabetes.

15 Nov America Recycles Day (Monday) – It helps to increase awareness regarding recycling and also the purchasing of products that can be recycled.

17 Nov International Students Day (Wednesday) – This day is observed for ensuring that education can be accessed by every single student out there.

20 Nov Universal Children’s Day (Saturday) – It promotes global togetherness as well as awareness amongst children across the globe.

21 Nov World Hello Day (Sunday) – It helps to encourage interaction between individuals of various backgrounds for achieving peace and harmony.

25 Nov Thanksgiving Day (Thursday) – This day is the day to appreciate and give Thanks to the Almighty for all that one has ever received from Him.

26 Nov Lincoln’s Birthday/Lincoln’s Day (Friday) – It celebrates Abraham Lincoln’s birthday who was one of the most popular US presidents.

26 Nov National Cake Day (Friday) – It encourages the consumption of cake which happens to be one of the most delightful treats in America.

28 Nov First Sunday of Advent (Sunday) – The Advent season signifies the start of the Christian year across lots of Western churches in the US.

30 Nov Computer Security Day (Tuesday) – Computers have become quite advanced at present, and this day reminds us to safeguard our computers.

November USA Social Media Calendar


December happens to be the coldest month of the year in the US and many festivals and events are held here at this time of the year. Perhaps, the most significant of them is Christmas Day. Here is the social media calendar for December.

1 Dec World AIDS Day (Wednesday) – This day emphasizes problems surrounding HIV as well as AIDS.

2 Dec Cyber Monday (Thursday) – This day is turning out to be one of the most hectic online shopping days for discounts and deals in the US.

4 Dec National Cookie Day (Saturday) – On this day, the bakers throughout the country are involved in preparing cookies that are provided to friends and family members throughout the season.

6 Dec Microwave Oven Day (Monday) – It honors the appliance which has transformed our kitchen significantly.

10 Dec Human Rights Day (Friday) – This happens to be a campaign by the United Nations which urges individuals to fight for their rights irrespective of where they are located on the planet.

11 Dec International Mountain Day (Saturday) – The objective of this day is to allow individuals to focus on the significant roles played by mountainous regions in food and water supply.

20 Dec International Human Solidarity Day (Monday) – This event is held on 20th December every year for celebrating unity in diversity. 

24 Dec Christmas Eve (Friday) – It is a time for individuals to purchase gifts and visit relatives and friends on the day prior to Christmas Day.

25 Dec Christmas Day (Saturday) – It celebrates the birth of Christ.

30 Dec No Interruptions Day – Last Work Day of the Year (Thursday) – This particular day aims at organizing the New Year by cleaning up the workspace without any disruption.

31 Dec New Year’s Eve (Friday) – It is the year’s last day in the US and on this day, lots of parties are held, especially in the evening.

December USA Social Media Calendar

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