Thanks to the Internet, now a business can be started without you moving anywhere.
You can basically conduct your complete business sitting on your couch.
However, for some people, an online business can be a side income job. But for some, it can be full-time and where their entire money comes from.
To anyone who wants to get into an online business, digital products are one of the items they can benefit from. You can create it on your own and choose whom as well as how you want to sell it.
Not only does it take less investment but also you don’t need to take much hassle either.
But again, understanding what you can sell, and what niche your business can be pretty daunting.
To help you out, here is the list of digital products that you can consider selling in 2022.
What To Know About Digital Products?
Digital products are no physical and intangible asset that you sell for infinity as it doesn’t require any kind of logistics, inventory or anything like that.
The best example you can consider for digital products is an ebook.
Well, lots of online entrepreneurs, artists, and freelancers look for different ways to get their earning increase for building the business by offering digital products.
But before you jump to the list, the first thing you need to remember is regardless of what you choose to sell, make sure you are offering the value.
Your product should have a solution to some problem or help so it can get more audience and purchases.
How To Choose What To Sell As a Digital Product?
Well, the most obvious question that you get is what to sell when it comes digitally.
To understand how you can come up with something extraordinary but also something that can be profitable you need to do these three steps :
Brainstorm The Ideas
The more you can brainstorm, the better you will get the understanding. Look for the ideas that you can come up with, see what you can offer differently than others.
Research More
When you get the list of ideas, the next thing is to do the research. See what others are doing, read the information, and gather it.
Look for relatable blogs, product reviews, and other forums. Check your competitor’s way of doing work.
Use it
Now add the important things such as keyword research,
feedback, and google trends. Make sure it’s relatable and can offer value to your targeted audience.
How To Create Your Digital Product?
Once you get convinced that what you need to go with and sell as your digital product, you are going to need how you can start creating one.
Depending on what you are planning to sell, here are few points that can help
- Validate your idea by doing the surveys. Make sure you have the audience for what you are preferring to sell. If it doesn’t hold any idea or serve the purpose, then it won’t sell.
- Check the content you have, make sure its quality is good, and hold more value.
- Once you get the idea of your product, organize the structure, get how you can make it, and do the formatting.
- Now here you need to start the making of your first digital product to sell.
- With this, create your audience. You can do this by offering content for free on your site. Build your list of potential brands, businesses, and influencers who might help you in advertising and sharing your content.
- Refine what you are going to sell. Use beta testers and get feedback. Make sure you keep improving on your product.
- Install the tools for monetization and successfully launch your product.
List Of Digital Products That You Can Sell
Depending on what set of skills you have or what you find easy as well as profitable for you, you can consider this list to find the ideal product to start your business.
1. Online Courses
Online courses are on-trend. Not just its profitable business but also many people look for such things to help their problems.
Look for things that you can do better, or is there something that you can teach others.
It can be anything from meal planning, personal financial handling, golfing, and gardening. Anything that you consider for improving other people’s lives.
You can use the information and start your online courses.
It’s one of the most highest selling courses these days.
2. Language Lessons
Lots of people are learning new languages as hobbies or for adding an extra bonus to their skill sets.
If you are good at your native language or you have the knowledge of some of their languages, start offering the lessons.
Set the levels, distribute lessons into categories and make them more informative as well as easy to understand,
3. Career Consultation
Career consultation is a helpful service that you can consider. It will help the individual to know what kind of job or career they should choose based on their interest, skill sets, and personality,
Add genuine help so you can offer something valuable.
4. Audits
You can offer digital audits to companies and organizations.
This is another idea that you can consider for a digital product.
5. Editing
Lots of writers, online publications, enterprises, etc look to edit reviews.
You can do different types of services, depending on what you can offer. It includes:
- Evaluation Editing
- Copyediting
- Proofreading
- Development Editing
- Content Editing
- Line Editing
- Essay Writing
Here you can either offer the services, or you can offer the tools that can help students and individuals to write their essays.
This is a profitable idea and you can sell it depending on the level of professionalism you can offer
6. Online tutoring
Online tutoring helps people or students to get personalized learning.
You can provide tutoring about anything that you believe you know better or have skills to share.
7. Mentoring Sessions
You can become someone’s mentor and help in developing their skills as well as their goals. You can make your contact based on what and how you want to structure your relationship with the mentees.
8. Financial Consultations
Financial consultancy means you offer personalized advances to help investors build their wealth.
You can do the financial planning, identify the investments that are worth it and guide their insurance decisions.
Also, it can be related to buying or selling of the investment too. Well, it can include bonds as well as stocks.
9. Resume Touchups
Well, writing a resume is not an easy job, and when the competition is so high, people want to have an impressive resume on their hands.
With this, you can help upgrade their resume according to the job they require.
10. Translation
The translation is another good idea to consider if you are going for a digital product.
This can help writers, individuals, students, and many more people to get the content in their language. Translation in different languages can help in targeting more people.
11. Financial Planning
With this, you can help people to play their financial plans, including when and how they can meet their goals. It makes their decisions much more confident and based on facts.
12. User Testing
This helps in processing the interface and functions of different apps, websites, and products, as well as services.
User testing is real users who do specific tasks in realistic conditions. This is helpful for developers to know what’s working and what to change.
13. Ebooks
If you love writing and you want to publish books, the ebook is a perfect option to go with.
Unlike previous times, you don’t need to convince the publishers to get your books published.
You can do it on your own.
In 2023, ebooks will be one of the best options in selling digital products online. More than 335.7 million ebooks were sold in the past 10 years in the US.
Here you just need to have the catch idea along with the skill to start your writing. Once you are done, you can choose a platform like Kobo and Amazon Kindle where you can sell.
You can also consider options like NOOK Press,
Lulu, Payhip, Blurb, and Scribd. These are some other websites that offer to host and sell ebooks.
14. Poetry Book
Poetry is considered a form of expression. And lots of people like reading poetry and they do the purchase.
You can offer your poetry and sell the books online to different platforms.
15. Ebook Fictions
If you have a creative mind, you can write a book about fiction. Why not sell fiction ebooks?
Choose your favorite niche and start writing, you can take help from online platforms to do the editing and publishing.
16. eCommerce Product Description
There are so many sellers, and they all are selling their products. Well, to boost the visual and sales, it’s important to write a killer e-commerce product description.
Provide the help and you can start earning online with this too.
17. Dispute Letters
Dispute letters can be helpful if you have the knowledge of how all of these work.
Well, it can be related to attorneys, banks or clients, etc. Choose whatever you can offer to help with, and you can help lots of people online to deal with this.
18. Writing Cover Letters
Cover letters are important to showcase the combination of skills and experience to meet the requirements to get the job.
If you can write cover letters, it can be your product to sell online.
19. Academic Research, Papers & Finding
You can offer samples of academic teachers, paper, and other things online as your product for those looking for help with their work.
This will get you more interested in people who might need more than help.
20. Recipe Books
If you have a list of amazing recipes that are your own unique ones. You can sell it as an ebook or put one recipe online as your small product.
You can sell this to the people who are interested in cooking. Also, you can make it a niche as you can sell vegetarian, vegan, or specific diet or tastes.
21. Magazines
Start selling your magazines, make them interesting or choose what you prefer. it can be your next product to launch on your online marketplace.
It’s important that you know your audience and connect with your audience. Make it more interesting to hold the attention.
22. Planners
Since humans love organized stuff, Planners are helpful for making things much easier for them.
You can sell the planners, and it can be a different thing
. For example, if you can make planers for the daily list, tracking goals, outlining objectives for monthly, etc.
Having a good planner can help in making sure that every day is going productive and towards a better goal.
Image source:
However this product is more printable, but you can do the designing of your planner and make it available to anyone who wants to purchase it.
More than 1800 people are offering planner designing services on Fiverr. And there are lots of demands too.
You can earn a pretty good amount based on what you choose and what you offer.
23. Journals
There are different types of journaling; you can choose what you prefer and sell one. Or you can choose more depending on what fits your bill.
Journals are profitable as it’s in trend, but also people are looking for something that suits their preferences.
24. Comics
Well, comics are fun and people love to read. If you can offer the same, you can either make short ones to sell.
This can be an interesting approach to get more audiences to read your comics online.
You can sell calendars online, choose different styles and designs. Make it minimalistic as it’s an ongoing trend.
You can add more details, or you can keep it general.
Different platforms allow you to design and sell your calendars. You can consider using that too.
26. Animation
Research says that animation has the highest ROI or Return on investment. There are lots of companies who are making money from this, and this includes Apple, Facebook, Amazon, etc.
You can sell your animations online. You can choose to be generic or different projects can use it.
27. Icon Sets
If you are good at designing icons, you can earn money from this as well.
Either you can sell it individually or you can sell it in a subscription. Also, you can offer the packs and set the price.
Different sites allow you to see your icon sets too.
28. 3D Models
3D models are largely used right as it helps in giving extra detail.
Also, these models help portray the real world and conceptual visual when it comes to art, drafting, entertainment, stimulation, etc.
That’s why lots of industries look for artist who can offer them. You can get samples which can be helpful in understanding what you sell.
29. Coloring Books
Coloring books can be for kids or adults. You can specify it more, as there are lots of coloring books that come for therapists and personal realization.
Sell it as a sample to get more people on your site if you have one. Or you can choose the online platforms.
30. Origami
Well, you can sell origami if you want. There are some markets along with Etsy to get a reasonable price on it.
Or if you can teach people the skills, you can start the tutoring videos too.
31. Infographic Design
Infographic is a powerful tool that every business wants these days. Not everyone can be the one that can catch the attention, show ads, and sell products.
You can sell the designs to the agencies or get your clients for this.
32. Logo Designs
Making unique logos for corporate companies, businesses, etc, can be a profitable product.
Many designers get royalty when their designs are used in platforms for marketing.
33. Business Card Designs
Sell business card designs and help the customers to get their own unique as well as powerful business cards.
There are sites that offer you tools and platforms to sell your designs and charge money for them.
34. Fonts
If you can develop interesting digital fonts like raleway, open sans, Playfair display, lato, etc, you can sell your fonts to online platforms.
The range depends on what you’re selling and how but its a profitable product.
35. Wallpaper
Wallpapers are another interesting choice in a digital product that you can come up with. Choose the designs, purpose, and whom you are targeting.
Use your creativity and add trending designs to get more people.
36. Poster or Prints
Well, posters and prints can be high-earning products for you if you are doing it professionally.
Depending on your designs, niche, age group, etc, you can start selling the designs online.
37. Emojis And Bitmojjs
Create emojis, it’s tiny pictures or you can use the icons of objects or faces.
Or if you want to be more creative, you can add a picture to depict the scenes and sell your bitmojis.
38. CGI Models
You can sell CGI or Computer-generated imagery to print media, commercials, television etc.
This is easy for generating a good amount of money.
39. Templates
Creating a template from scratch is not just time-consuming but also can be extremely hectic for lots of people.
That’s why people look for an easy option to solve this problem and save their time.
You can offer the templates and it can be another product that you can consider to sell digitally.
You can start with selling different ideas based on what you prefer.
Find what you are good at making and you can simply sell your eye-catching template to the people who are looking for the same thing.
40. Copywriting Templates
Besides saving time and effort, copywriting templates help copywriters start their work without any hassle.
You can sell an outline of copywriting formulas that are proven for different projects and purposes. It completes 50% of the work which is a lot and enough reason to purchase.
You can sell these type of copywriting templates :
- Facebook Ad copy
- LinkedIn Message templates
- Social media templates
- The headline and tagline copywriting templates
- Email marketing copywriting
41. Creative Brief Samples Or Templates
A creative brief is important for business. This helps identify the key benefits that can help the business or campaigns or launch.
It can be a hassle for professionals to start from scratch, but the templates can save time, errors, and other points.
42. Document Templates
Document templates are a good option to consider; users can easily get these by downloading and printing them as many times as they want.
Also, document templates save time; no matter how often they want to use them, they won’t lose the quality or convert it to the formats.
43. Songs
You can sample your piece of songs and put it online for sale. It can be a sample to showcase your skills and you can show diversity too.
With this, you can earn royalties, but that depends on your country. Different countries have their own price set.
44. Instrument Tracks
Choose your style, and get the tracks ready for selling it online. Here you can get the royalties or you can get gigs.
Also, you can use different streaming platforms and download sites to get more money on it.
45. Beats & Jingles
If you have a website, selling your beat and jingles there is ideal. You can also sell it on different other platforms like Facebook, Soundcloud, youtube etc.
46. Sound Effects
Sound effects are in trend, you can create them depending on what you want to sell. It can be purely for business purpose or you can create realizing ones.
Different platforms help in selling soundtracks and building the audience so you can get more profit.
47. Virtual Assisting
Since the pandemic hit the world, more and more people are doing work from home. This is a golden opportunity where you can offer services to others on the digital platform.
You can work remotely and handle assistant tasks like administrative, support services, etc.
48. Woodworking Instructions
Woodworking can be a good idea if you think you can help others do better and give lessons.
You can make videos about woodworking instructions, adding tips, and how someone can improve their skills.
49. Drawing Lessons
No matter if it’s kids or grown-up adults, many people learn drawing as a new skill or continue as their hobbies. And for that, you can make lessons for them.
If you have the skill, make the short lessons or long ones, depending on what you prefer. Choose the levels, if it’s for beginners or for those who have some idea about it. And sell it as your digital product.
50. Meditation and Subliminal Programs
These days are people choosing more meditations and subliminal programs to do inner growth.
You can sell programs about self-helping and care. Or you can make it helpful for meditations and self-healing.
The more information, practice advances, and understanding you have, the better it will get the sales.
51. Board Game Printouts
You can sell the board game printouts online. It can be fun, exciting, and interesting for playing.
You can make it exclusively for kids or adults. Also, you can choose different occasions and come up with unique ideas.
52. Meal Prep Plans
Meal prep plans are another great option for selling a digital product online.
It can help many people struggling with their meal planning and what they should eat, how it will be made and recipes divided for 7 days to 21 days.
53. Nutrition Plans
Lots of people are getting interested in a healthy lifestyle. And due to this, they follow different kinds of nutrition plans.
It can be daunting to manage it, especially when people have a busy schedule. You can sell the nutrient plans
Add details, steps, meals, and everything else so it can be easy to follow. There are some of the diet plans you can consider :
- Intermittent fasting
- The Dash diet
- Low carb diet
- The paleo diet
- Plant-based diets
- Weight Watchers
- Low-fat diets
54. Sewing Patterns
You can make the sewing patterns and sell them to those who are either looking for something to inspire them or want to learn.
Add easy and simple instructions so people can make their own beautiful garments as they want.
55. Knitting Patterns
If you are good at knitting, you can help others too. Sell your knitting pattern with clear instructions, tips, tricks, and other helpful advice to guide the person to learn it.
You can sell different knitting patterns as it can be for kids, pets, adults, babies, etc.
56. Custom Beauty and Consultations
People are becoming more and more aware of skin problems. And since the market products are not helping, instead of that there are lots of skin issues that are caused due to chemicals present in those products.
You can start the consultation to help people understand what and how they can improve their skin health.
Also, you can sell custom beauty or personalized beauty products. This is also in trend because it allows people to choose products that are made only for their skin
57. Ringtones
Selling ringtones can be another way to earn money and digital products online.
It depends on where you are selling and what type of ringtone. But there is a market where you can get your audience.
58. VoiceOvers
You can record your voice and sell online, especially platforms like Fiverr are a good to start with.
It’s one of the most lucrative. There are lots of ways where you can lend your voice, There might be someone out there who is looking for the exact price like yours.
59. Recorded Lectures
Students and other people who are looking for the recordings of the lectures. If you have information about the subjects that you can teach well, you can record it and sell it.
60. Short Films
You can sell your short films to different platforms. Depending on your subject and story, you can pitch distributors to purchase your short film.
Also, there are chances that you can get the audience you are looking for in your short film.
61. Stock Video
Stock videos, B rolls, or Stock footage are generally recorded in less than 1 minute of clips or shots. However, It can be longer, depending on the type and purpose.
This is used in different projects, ads, and presentations. You can record the stock videos, focus on quality, and a comprehensive portfolio. This will help you in getting a huge audience to target.
62. Stand-Up Comedy
If you are good at writing materials like funny jokes, skits, and moments. You can sell it to comedians.
The stand-up comedy industry has huge potential since the market is growing.
Also, there are chances to get recognition too.
Or if you can do it your own, you can record yourself and sell your stand-up comedy videos.
63. Documentary
There are sites like Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, Vimeo Pro, etc, where you can upload your documentary.
Some of the platforms also offer fees where the people will pay to watch the documentaries.
64. Video Tutorials
Video tutorials are in demand. People are curious to learn and understand more.
And thanks to Youtube, and Skillshare platforms, it becomes easier to sell your videos
65. Editing Short Videos
If you can’t go with long videos, you can edit short videos too. It can be for ads, movies, etc.
This will help in earning money, and you can sell it directly to the customers.
66. Legal Professionals
There are lots of people who look for services where they can get legal help.
No doubt, handling all of the procedures on your own can be a hassle. Also, those who are not aware much of the law can get scared and overwhelmed.
You can help them understand the situation and giving legal advice to stretch their cases.
67. Stock Photos
Selling Stock photos depends on different factors, including the numbers of agencies where you uploaded them.
The amount of agencies depends. The niche, type, and purpose you follow are also playing a vital role in how well the stock photos will sell.
68. Lightroom or Photoshop Presets
Photoshoot actions are helpful steps that can be applied to the photos. Whereas Lightroom presets save time and keep the consistent style.
You can sell the presets online, Choose the style and develop the effects. This also helps people to build a style that can be recognizable.
69. Mockup Images
Mockup images are designed in full size that is used for showing the purpose of the product. Also, it can be useful for presentations.
This helps in highlighting how the design will look in real life. It also plays an important role in making it easier to understand for customers.
You can create these mockup images for the product presentation and sell them online.
70. Code Snippets
Sell the code snippets to the online platforms, one of the options you can consider is Flippa as it gives you access to targeting large markets.
You can choose the platforms and get paid for selling the code snippet.
71. Meditation Audio
Sell the meditation audio online, you can record the sessions of 10 to 15 minutes and also add the exercises.
Make sure you are giving the value for the money.
72. Website Design Checklist
You can design a website like Alberat Designs. This helps in guiding the people and also it makes it easier to target the ore audience by showcasing what the product can do.
73. Games
You can create short video games, series, etc. Either you can sell it for purchase, or you can offer the monthly fee and subscription.
Choose an interesting and unique concept to sell online stores.
74. Novel Planning Sheet
Lots of people have amazing ideas, but they don’t have the clue what to start with.
You can help in buying the novel planning sheet. This will help in giving understanding and mapping out the important points.
75. Hosting
You can also provide the webserver to the clients where they can store their data as well as files.
This is especially popular today as hosting is becoming one of the essential tools.
76. Online Stores, Blogs & Website
You can sell the stores, blogs, and websites to those who are looking for them online.
Such sites come with less risk, already have established ranking in search engines, and many more benefits. That’s why you get a good price if you sell it smartly.
It can also be your online store, blog, or website, if it comes with a certain high-value domain and authority as it’s more profitable.
77. Browser Plugins
You can sell the plugins of the browsers. For example, you can start with a chrome extension.
To work, it requires a license key which needs to pay for it too. So you can list it on the chrome store, and you can sell it to anyone who is interested.
78. Painting Tutorials
If you are an artistic person and you have the skill for painting. Sell it as your product.
You can start the classes or give lessons on different platforms along with yours. You can get subscription-based classes or get patrons too.
79. Custom Vacation
Many people look for help to get their vacation customized based on the days they will spend, with whom, and where to make it worth every penny.
You can consider selling this and get the money for it.
80. Paid Newsletter
Well, you can start with the paid newsletter, as it’s an email campaign that people do payment for receiving it on a monthly or yearly subscription.
This is a great option if you want to supplement your business. Also if you have a personal brand, this can be a good tool to start the money income.
81. Intros
You can sell the intros to the platforms like Youtube.
The premade intros help the video creators and save their time. You can make it interesting and add elements if you like.
82. Workout Plans
You can create work plan plans, such as workout plans for 6 months. Here it would be best if you chose the audience to make it easier to get an audience.
For example, if you can choose the busy moms who have not cut time but they want a healthy lifestyle.
Create the groups and promote them to get more people on board.
83. Weekly Workout Videos
If you have understanding and do workouts that can help others as well. You can start selling your workout ideas to the health freaks.
Rease your videos weekly, you can also offer a subscription for this.
84. Audiobooks For Kid
You can write short stories for kids, and record the voice over and sell it.
The stories can be sold on different audiobook platforms. And this will help the parents and make kids happy too.
85. Ebook On Skincare
Skincare is one of the most popular topics going on these days. You can create an ebook, add tips, care, and instruction on how an individual can get better skin.
You can add the remedies, recipes and other things too.
86. Makeup Tutorials
Makeup tutorials also have a huge audience. There are lots of people who are eager to learn makeup, if you are professional you can give classes, tips and share your opinions too.
87. Hair Care Tutorials
Because of so many products, hair problems have become one of the issues that are affecting more and more people.
You can make tutorials on how to maintain the hair or get better health.
88. Drawing Guides
Create a step by step guide, and show how to make different things. You can sell the ebook, PDf, etc.
Also, add different themes based on the audience.
89. Ebook For Writers
Help the writers to get through their process. Writing can be a hassle even if someone loves doing that.
You can offer the ebooks helping the writing to get the first draft complete. Also, you can create a writing kit for your audience.
90. Self-publishing Guides
Well, since more people are into self-publishing, you can help in offering guides on how they can do that.
For someone who has never done self-publishing, the process and options can be too overwhelming.
91. Podcast
The podcast is one of the most in-demand especially in 2022. More and more people want to listen to professionals and experts.
You can share the podcast, and choose your topic on which you can offer more information and unique style to deliver it.
92. Career Advice Ebooks
Career advice ebooks are also good to consider the option if you are planning to write and sell ebooks.
You can help people to understand how they can choose their career based on what their decision should be.
93. 30-Day Email Course
You can offer the 30-day email course, and here you can offer the people to tap into their creative side. Start with a simple exercise, and you can proceed with daily exercises.
94. Certified Courses
Offer courses which can help your audience to become certified themselves.
You can run the classes online and create the courses along with the certification.
95. Workshops
If you hold some expertise or professional understanding in some matters or skills, you can do the workshops.
Host the workshop online, and sell tickets to the participant. You can make it into a digital product by adding the video online and offering access to the records.
96. Trackers
Trackers are helpful for those who are interested in keeping everything organized.
You can sell the trackers and spreadsheets. It’s simple but for lots of people, it’s confusing, and getting something like online helps in making things easier for them.
97. Research & Data
Conducting research and collecting data takes too much time. There are lots of people who don’t want to spend that much time.
If you can offer a convenient way to offer the data and well researched information, they are more than happy to buy it.
98. DIY Guides
People are getting into more DIYs. It’s not just interesting but also it saves time and money.
DIY is a good idea to consider, especially if you are good at something. If you can make something on your own and share the guides with others too.
For example, if you are good at making candles. You can share it online.
99. Calculator
Calculator is also one of the famous ones where people can get easily from point A to point B.
You can be creative, sophisticated, and something unique which makes sense to pay for.
100. Art Bundles
You can create the art kits and make the bundles for those who are looking for something to purchase related to this.
You can sell the bundles online. Also, you can use digital art.
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“Business, marketing, and Branding – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, Branding, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”