Top 10 Best Dance Schools in USA and Canada

In case you do have any propensity for dancing, then it would be a sensible idea for you to become a professional dancer. It will be better to procure a dance degree than to go to the studio on a regular basis for the subsequent four years.

It implies technique, choreography, and improv. Dance happens to be one of the oldest forms of art of human civilization, and you should be proud to be part of it.

Best Dance Schools in USA

Here, we have mentioned the top 10 dance schools in the US at present and what strategies are taken to attract more students.

10. Brenau University

This particular dance school is situated in Georgia and provides plenty of opportunities to the students.

It will be possible to procure a dance B.A. with a concentration in modern dance, advanced ballet, musical theater, pre-physical therapy, and dance pedagogy.

The instructors of the school are of the notion that it will be possible for a good dance student to make use of the dance training to the fullest.

Brenau University is known to emphasize professionalism and preparation.

After your graduation from school, you’ll be able to work along with an artist statement. Here, the students will get the facility to perform ballroom dancing, yoga classes as well as West African dance.

9. University of South Florida

Let the glorious sunshine of Florida warm your muscles before you enroll yourself in this dancing school.

After passing the audition, you will have the facility of selecting from any of the three dance concentrations, namely, modern, ballet, or dance studios.

The concentration of the students in modern or ballet emphasizes technique by means of classes such as the Laban movement analysis.

The students are challenged to comprehend and identify movement preferences while learning. The University of South Florida won the best dance schools in USA and Canada awards.

Students in this particular dance institution can learn from talented and experienced faculty from reputed companies such as Pina Bausch, Nederlands Dans Theater, and William Forsythe.

8. University of Nevada, Las Vegas

The students in this particular dance school will be able to declare a dance, management, and production B.A. right away, and we’ll get admitted into the proper technique class by means of a placement audition.

However, one needs to perform some excellent and original choreography within a span of two minutes so as to get admission to this dance school.

The faculty here is of the notion that the dancer must have a broad base of technical capabilities that should help him to shine in his profession later on. The main course consists of classes such as music theory and production for the dancers.

7. Point Park University

This particular dance school is situated in Pittsburgh and provides programs such as the International Summer Dance program that will help to separate dancers of exceptional skills out there.

A National High School Dance Festival is also hosted by this school, with more than 200 masterclasses out there. Point Park University is the biggest Dance Schools in USA and Canada.

The students will be able to select between B.F.A. and B.A. tracks in dance, along with a concentration in jazz, modern, or ballet.

Here, one will come across courses ranging from dance improvisation to body alignment. There are also grand pianos within the practice areas.

6. Florida State University

Here, the students will get the facility to practice their craft at the recently renovated Montgomery Hall.

In case you are equipped with rhythm and moves for days, it will be a sensible idea to go for the MANCC choreographic fellowship so as to get recognition for your innovative research.

It will be possible for the students to gain access to everything ranging from a conditioning studio to a costume shop out there.

What if you love dancing so much you want to start a blog about it? Great choice! So check out the Best Dance Blogs and Pages Names.

While learning here, one will go on studying the main emphasis of choreography and performance for university credit. The dance classes are being conducted by top-notch professionals who will instruct on the significance of strength, stamina, performance, quality, and flexibility.

5. Oklahoma City University

Here you are required to appear for a performance audition before getting admission to this dance school.

After getting admission, you have to be prepared to go for choreography and technique classes along with courses on acing and voice.

The students are encouraged during the courses to focus on the techniques of jazz, tap, and ballet-like those used in musical theaters. 

4. University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Here, you will have the option of studying either contemporary dance or classical ballet. A promising dance applicant at UNCSA is thoroughly versed in the arts and is committed to sharing this gift with all the lovers of the art out there.

The male students are going to have separate classes that are meant to provide them with physical, technical, and stylistic skills that are needed for dancing.

The summer dance curriculum is going to include intensives in classical ballet, contemporary dance, a choreographic residency, as well as 3 professional development plans. 

3. Butler University

The program in this dance school will provide the students with the opportunity to participate in ballet shows such as Cinderella, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty.

The process of application consists of a ballet class that is judged by the entire dance faculty. Following this, you are going to be assigned randomly to levels 1 to 4 to take one more ballet class along with the present dance majors.

The classes are held from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and are conducted by top-rated faculty and instructors.

You will gain access to consultations from a well-versed instructor, a conditioning room, and five properly equipped dance studios. 

2. New York University

To get admission, you need to perform a 3-minute solo dance, and then you will need to appear for a personal interview. It is essential for this solo dance to be flawless and must showcase your technical skills.

During the first year, you will be taught about alignment and placement, while the third year will emphasize professional dance experience, choreography, and performance.

The dance classes in this school are going to deepen your innovative mind in the best possible way.

Are you a dance enthusiast? Do you have amazing skills at dancing and want the world to learn the craft?  So read out the best dance academy business from home.

1.  The Juilliard School

After getting the acceptance letter, you will be starting intensive training in modern ballet, partnering, topics, and contact improvisation in dance.

This school has a multifaceted curriculum that helps to create citizen artists and effective communicators.

About 30 performances per year are put on by the dance segment, and you might be one of the six talented dancers selected to collaborate with the students to create innovative works in the course.

Students are going to invest 20 days while taking technical classes and also enrichment classes such as improvisation and yoga techniques. 

Top Dance Schools

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